PRUDP - Game servers#


PRUDP is a transport protocol typically built on top of UDP, which adds a custom reliability layer. There are 4 standard variations of the protocol, though they all share similar features. Generally the differences are limited to simple packet structures. All data is little-endian.

NEX game servers on the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS will always either use PRUDPv0 or PRUDPv1. These protocols are built on top of UDP, and utilize encrypted packet payloads.

NEX game servers on the Nintendo Switch will always use PRUDPLite. This protocol is built on top of WebSockets, and replaces payload encryption with TLS encryption over the entire connection.

Rendez-Vous clients, regardless of platform, will use the original Rendez-Vous variation of PRUDP.


Due to the high level of extensibility available in Rendez-Vous, some clients may not always conform to this documentation. Just as Nintendo heavily customized Rendez-Vous to create NEX, other developers may have also made large-scale modifications.

This documentation aims to support only the Nintendo-made NEX variation of Rendez-Vous, the default configuration of Rendez-Vous, and common modifications of Rendez-Vous applicable to a large range of titles.

Additional research and modifications to this documentation/libraries may be required depending on the specific title.


Depending on the library variation, there are several versions of PRUDP packets and the underlying protocol. Most changes are minor, however. NEX game servers will only ever use PRUDPv0, PRUDPv1, or PRUDPLite. Non-NEX game servers will use either the default Rendez-Vous variation, or be customized in some other way.

PRUDPv0 and PRUDPv1 are used by NEX game servers on the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS. Any game server which supports PRUDPv1 can also communicate using PRUDPv0. Some game servers which use PRUDPv0 may also support PRUDPv1, but this assumption is not always safe.

PRUDPLite will only be used on NEX game servers on the Nintendo Switch, and is the only version supported by those clients.

This is the default packet format provided by Rendez-Vous. Simply known as PRUDP internally.

0x01Source Virtual Port
0x11Destination Virtual Port
0x21Flags and type
0x31Session ID
0x44Packet signature
0x82Sequence ID
0xAvariablePacket-specific data
1 or 4Checksum

Packet specific data

Depending on the packets type and flags, additional data may be present in the packet. This data will always come immediately before the payload.

Only present ifSizeDescription
Type is SYN or CONNECT4Connection signature
Type is DATA1Fragment ID
Flag HAS_SIZE is set2Payload size

Flags and type

The packets flags and packet type are stored in a single byte. The upper 5 bits represent the packets flags. The remaining 3 bits represent the packets type.


By default a packets checksum is 1 byte. However a game may optionally be configured to use a 4 byte checksum. The checksum is calculated over the entire packet (both header and encrypted payload), using a "checksum base" to seed the algorithm. The checksum base is typically the sum of all the bytes in the game servers access key, though this is not always the case. If the following algorithms do not work for your specific title, it means one of the following:

  1. The checksum base is calculated differently. For instance WATCH_DOGS on the Nintendo Wii U calculates it's checksum base by instead passing the game server access key into the checksum algorithm itself, using a default base value of 0.
  2. The checksum is calculated over different data than the whole packet.
  3. The algorithm used in your target game is different entirely. For instance WATCH_DOGS on the Nintendo Wii U uses a slightly different algorithm.

The following algorithms are used.

1 byte#

def calc_checksum(data: bytes, base: int) -> int:
	Split the data into a list of little endian uint32's
	If there is not enough data for a uint32, discard it
	EX: b"abcdefghijk" (0x6162636465666768696A6B)
	becomes (1684234849, 1751606885), aka (0x64636261, 0x68676665)
	words = struct.unpack_from("<%iI" %(len(data) // 4), data)
	temp = sum(words) & 0xFFFFFFFF # Add the values and truncate to a uint32
	main = struct.pack("I", temp) # Pack the sum of the main data back into bytes
	remaining = data[len(data) & ~3:] # The data left over from the above
	checksum = base
	checksum += sum(remaining) # Add the remaining data first
	checksum += sum(main) # Add the main data last
	return checksum & 0xFF # Truncate to a uint8

4 byte#

def calc_checksum(data: bytes, base: int) -> int:
	data += b"\0" * (4 - len(data) % 4) # Pad data to nearest multiple of 4
	Split the data into a list of little endian uint32's
	EX: b"abcdefgh" (0x6162636465666768)
	becomes (1684234849, 1751606885), aka (0x64636261, 0x68676665)
	words = struct.unpack("<%iI" %(len(data) // 4), data)
	checksum = base & 0xFF # Checksum base, truncated to uint8
	checksum += sum(words) # Add the packet data sum
	return checksum & 0xFFFFFFFF # Truncate to a uint32

Packet types#

There are 5 common packet types to Rendez-Vous. Following these 5 seem to be custom packet types (various Rendez-Vous implementations document these differently)

0x0SYNInitiate the connection
0x1CONNECTNegotiate the connection settings
0x2DATAGame data
0x3DISCONNECTConnection termination
0x4PINGKeeps the connection alive

Packet flags#

0x001ACKThis is an acknowledgement packet
0x002RELIABLEThis packet uses reliability
0x004NEED_ACKThis packet requires acknowledgement
0x008HAS_SIZEThe packet data contains the payload size
0x200MULTI_ACKThis is an acknowledgement of multiple packets

Packet options#

Starting with PRUDPv1, packet-specific data is encoded as a series of options. Each option contains it's ID, to identify which option it is, the value size, and finally the options value.

0x01Option ID
0x11Value size
Option IDSizeDescription
04Supported functions
116Connection signature
21Fragment id
32Initial sequence id for unreliable data packets
41Maximum substream id
0x8016Lite signature



PRUDP was originally built on top of UDP. Later revisions of the protocol are built on top of WebSockets. To achieve reliability PRUDP uses fragment and sequence IDs, along with configurable retrasmission. These IDs are used to reorder, resend, and acknowledge reliable packets.

The sequence ID is an incrementing value used to track the order the pakcets were sent in. The receiver should reorder any out of order packets before handling new ones. The counters for client->server and server->client packets are independent.

Both the server and client maintain at least 3 different sequence ID counters:

  1. Reliable packets. These are handled by their respective reliable substream. Each reliable substream has it's own sequence ID counter. The original Rendez-Vous library and PRUDPv0 do not support more than one reliable substream.
  2. Unreliable PING packets use a separate sequence ID counter.
  3. Unreliable DATA packets use a separate sequence ID counter.

Counters typically start with ID 0, however the starting ID for unreliable DATA packets is determined during connection establishment when using PRUDPv1 (starting ID is always 1 in PRUDP/PRUDPv0/PRUDPLite). The SYN and CONNECT packet types always use the default substream sequence ID counter for their sequence IDs, regardless of whether the packets use the RELIABLE flag.

The sequence ID is also used in packet acknowledgement, to tell the sender the packet was received correctly.

Unreliable packets#

Not all packets use the available reliability features, such as packet reordering, and some features that exist as part of reliability are handled by specific packet flags, such as NEED_ACK for acknowledgement.

TODO - What other features make a packet unreliable??


Acknowledgement is a feature of the reliability layer which ensures all packets are received. If a packet is not acknowledged after the configured amount of time, the sender will resend the packet. The receiver should acknowledge all packets which have the NEED_ACK flag enabled.

There are 2 forms of acknowledgement, individual and aggregate. Individual acknowledgement can only acknowledge a single packet at a time. Aggregate allows for more than one packet to be acknowledged at once, using either a list of sequence IDs, or a stop and stop range of sequence IDs.

Individual acknowledgement#

When using individual acknowledgement, the receiver sends the sender a packet of the same type with the ACK flag. The sequence ID of this packet is the same sequence ID as the packet being acknowledged. This form of acknowledgement is always used in Rendez-Vous, PRUDPv0, and for the SYN and CONNECT packets during connection establishment even when using PRUDPv1.

Aggregate acknowledgement#

When using aggregate acknowledgement, the receiver sends the sender a packet of the same type with the MULTI_ACK flag. Neither Rendez-Vous or PRUDPv0 support aggregate acknowledged. Whether or not PRUDPv1 supports aggregate acknowledgement is determined during connection establishment.

There are multiple versions of aggregate acknowledgement. Which version is being used is determined during connection establishment for PRUDPv1. PRUDPLite always uses the new version

Aggregate acknowledgement (old)#

The acknowledgement packet's sequence ID is set to the highest pending received sequence ID. All packets with sequence IDs up to this sequence ID are considered acknowledged. The packet may also optionally specify additional sequence IDs in the payload to acknowledge.

Aggregate acknowledgement (new)#

The sequence ID of the acknowledgement packet is always 0. The packets payload now determines


When a client wishes to establish a PRUDP connection, it first locates an endpoint. How the client finds the endpoint is an implementation detail. Once the client has selected an endpoint, it selects a stream ID and stream type. See VirtualPorts. Once the client has selected an endpoint, stream ID, and stream type, it sends the endpoint a packet of type SYN. The endpoint sends back an acknowledgement packet containing the calculated connection signature. Once the SYN packet has been acknowledged, the client selects a session ID, stores the sent connection signature, and sends the endpoint a packet of type CONNECT. The client CONNECT packet contains the endpoints connection signature, as well as the following negotiation data:


Does not use negotiation data


  • Supported functions
  • Initial sequence ID for unreliable data packets
  • Maximum substream ID


  • Supported functions
  • Lite signature

The endpoint uses this negotiation data, if present, to determine how to support the connection. The endpoint may terminate the connection if it believes it cannot support the connection, otherwise it decides the closest configuration to the one requested by the client. The endpoint sends back an acknowledgement packet containing it's selected negotiation data:


Does not use negotiation data


  • Supported functions
  • Initial sequence ID for unreliable data packets
  • Maximum substream ID


  • Supported functions

The client uses this negotiation data, if present, to determine how to support the connection. The client may terminate the connection if it believes it cannot support the connection, otherwise the connection is established and DATA packets may now begin being sent.

When connecting to the authentication endpoint, the payload of the CONNECT packets should be empty. When connecting to the secure endpoint, the client should send the following payload:

[Buffer]Kerberos ticket data
[Buffer]Kerberos-encrypted request data

Request data (encrypted with session key):

Uint32Connection ID
Uint32Response check value

The secure endpoint's CONNECT acknowledgement packet should contain the following payload:

[Buffer]Response check value + 1 as a uint32

To end a connection, either side may send a DISCONNECT packet to the other. If the DISCONNECT packet has flag RELIABLE set, the connection is terminated gracefully. Otherwise the connection is forcibly terminated.

In order to keep the connection alive, either side may send a PING packet to the other.


PRUDP does not use the concept of a "server" in the traditional sense. Instead of connecting to a "server", connections are always made to other clients. Every client has at least one "endpoint". Every game server has at least one "server" client running, which is connected to during authentication. Once a client has passed authentication it is given a new endpoint to connect to, the secure endpoint. These connections are made using stations. The target user of the secure endpoint is always "Quazal Rendez-Vous", PID 2. NEX is given the location of the authentication endpoint through the account server, not through a station. Presumably the target user for the authentication endpoint, typically, is always "Quazal Authentication", PID 1.


A station represents a client who can be connected to. Each station may have one or more endpoints. Each endpoint uses a unique stream type for various connection types.

Virtual Ports#

When multiple PRUDP connections are made to the same address, NEX doesn't create a new socket for each connection. Instead, it uses a single socket to create multiple PRUDP connections. To distinguish between connections, each packet contains a source and destination "virtual port". A "virtual port" is made of 2 parts, a stream type and stream ID. The client and server stream types will always match, though their IDs may not. How these are encoded depends on the protocol version. Each stream may be configured differently. Aspects of the connection such as retransmission rates, the encryption and compression algorithms, etc, are all controlled by these streams.

V0 and V1: The virtual port uses a single byte. The four most significant bits contain the stream type. The four least significant bits contain the stream ID. The client stream ID is the highest unused stream ID ≤ 0xF.

Lite: The source and destination stream IDs are now encoded using 2 separate bytes. The stream type is encoded in a 3rd byte. The four most significant bits contain the source type. The four least significant bits contain the destination type. The client stream ID is the highest unused stream ID ≤ 0x1F.

Server stream ID (3DS/Wii U): The authentication and secure server each have their own UDP server. The server stream ID is always 1.

Server stream ID (Switch): A single websocket server handles both authentication and secure connections. The authentication server has server stream ID 1, the secure server has server stream ID 2.

Stream typeNameDetails
1DO"Duplicate Object". Use for P2P connections using NetZ
2RVUnknown purpose
3OldRVSecOriginal "secure" stream type. Used by NEX 1 and QRV clients
4SBMGMTUnknown purpose
5NATUsed for NAT traversal between users using NetZ
6SessionDiscoveryUnknown purpose
7NATEchoUnknown purpose
8RoutingUnknown purpose. Not seen in non-NEX titles
9GameUnknown purpose. Not seen in non-NEX titles
10RVSecureNew "secure" stream type. Used by NEX 2+. Not seen in non-NEX titles
11RelayUnknown purpose. Not seen in non-NEX titles

Sandbox access key#

Every game server has a unique sandbox access key. This is used to calculate the packet signature and packet checksum. All NEX titles use access keys which are 8 lowercase hex characters, with the sole exception of the Friends server whose access key is ridfebb9. This limitation is only imposed by NEX, however. Rendez-Vous clients do not limit themselves to 8 lowercase hex characters, and may also use uppercase and non-hex characters. It seems that the access key may also be allowed to be up to 128 characters long, though no games are currently known to use anything larger than 8.

The only way to find the access key of a server is by checking the client. In most cases this involves disassembling the game, however some games have been known to store their access keys in external files. For NEX titles, tools such as this exist to automate the extraction of these keys. A key may often times also be brute forced, as many valid keys exist for all servers due to their small size.


DATA packets may optionally encrypt their payloads. The encryption algorithm used depends on the implementation. Each stream type may also use a different algorithm. Only 2 algorithms are known to be used, but any could be.

In legacy Rendez-Vous games, every packet is RC4 encrypted using a new stream. The key is always CD&ML.

In NEX, a more sophisticated method is used. Each connection has an incoming and outgoing RC4 stream for each of it's substreams. When connecting to the authentication endpoint, the key for both is always CD&ML. When connecting to the secure endpoint, the key is the session key obtained from the Kerberos ticket during login. The streams are not reset, and packets must be processed in order.

PRUDPLite never uses encryption, as the connection takes place over a secure WebSocket meaning the connection is SSL encrypted.

When more than one substream is used, the session key is modified for each substream after the first. This gives each substream a unique key. The following algorithm is used to generate a new key for each substream. The previously generated key is used as the input for the next key.

def modify_key(key):
	# Only the first half of the key is modified
	add = len(key) // 2 + 1
	for i in range(len(key) // 2):
		key[i] = (key[i] + add - i) & 0xFF

Unreliable DATA packets do not belong to a substream, and may be processed in any order. To solve this, a unique RC4 stream is used for each unreliable data packet. The following algorithm is used to generate a new key for each unreliable DATA packet.

def make_unreliable_key(packet, session_key):
	# Generate a new key from the session key
	part1 = combine_keys(session_key, bytes.fromhex("18d8233437e4e3fe"))
	part2 = combine_keys(session_key, bytes.fromhex("233e600123cdab80"))
	base_key = part1 + part2
	# Modify the key such that no two packets use the same key
	key = list(base_key)
	key[0] = (key[0] + packet.sequence_id) & 0xFF
	key[1] = (key[1] + (packet.sequence_id >> 8)) & 0xFF
	key[31] = (key[31] + packet.session_id) & 0xFF
	return bytes(key)
def combine_keys(key1, key2):
	return hashlib.md5(key1 + key2).digest()


DATA packets may optionally encrypt their payloads. If enabled, the packets payload is compressed before it is encrypted. NEX never enables compression. Rendez-Vous is known to use both ZLIB and LZO, though any algorithm may be used.

When enabled, typically the compression ratio is prepended as a single byte to the compressed payload. This is used determine how much space is needed to decompress the payload. The compression ratio is the size of the uncompressed payload divided by the size of the compressed payload, rounded up. If compression is enabled and the compression ratio is 0 the payload is not compressed.

Although this is the only known format of compressed payloads, this may not be the only way payloads are encoded when compressed.


PRUDPv1, and only PRUDPv1, allows reliable packets to belong to one of many substreams. NEX never uses more than one substream. Each substream has it's own state regarding cipher streams, sequence IDs, retransmission, etc. The maximum number of substreams is decided during connection establishment.


Each connection from the client has a unique session. The client chooses it's own session ID locally. The server also chooses a session ID, which does not have to match the ID of the client. These IDs are not globally unique, and are picked at random.

Each session is also secured with a session key. This is obtained from the Kerbos ticket during login. The session key is used as the starting RC4 key for packet encryption in NEX.


Large packets are split into multiple packets. The packets payload is split into fragments before it is compressed and encrypted. The max size of a payload, and thus the fragmentation size, is an implementation detail. Various games may have this configured differently. Typically it is set to the MTU minus the packet overhead.

In old NEX versions, which only support PRUDPv0, the MTU is hardcoded to 1000 and the maximum payload size seems to be 962 bytes. Later, the MTU was increased to 1364, and the maximum payload size is seems to be 1300 bytes, unless PRUDPv0 is used, in which case it's 1264 bytes.

Each fragmented packet payload is compressed and encrypted separately. The final packet in the fragmentation has fragment ID 0. All preceding packets have sequentially incrementing fragment IDs starting with 1. For example, if a packet is split into four fragments, they will have the following fragment IDs:

FragmentFragment ID
Fourth (final)0

PRUDP/PRUDPv0 only expects the fragment ID to be present on DATA packets. Later revisions support the fragment ID on any packet type. PRUDPv1 decides the fragment ID based on it's options. The fragment ID is always present in PRUDPLite. Despite later revisions technically supporting these fragments on more than DATA packets, this is never seen in practice and should not be expected to function correctly.

Connection signature#

If present, the connection signature is the HMAC-MD5 of the perceived ip and port of the other endpoint. Since the client does not know it's own public address, it cannot verify this signature. The server could potentially verify this signature, if configured to know it's public address, however in practice this never happens.

The server sends its connection signature in its response to the client's SYN packet. The client sends its connection signature in the CONNECT packet. Other SYN/CONNECT packets have this field set to all 0.

Lite signature#

Only seen in PRUDPLite. This signature is verified by the server, unlike the connection signature. It is the HMAC-MD5 of the following data, with the key being the MD5 hash of the sandbox access key.

0x016MD5 of access key
0x1016Connection signature received from server

Supported functions#

Starting with PRUDPv1, a set of "supported functions" is used during the negotiation process of connection establishment. This is a uint32, containing 3 sections. The first 3 bytes are a series of feature flags. The 4th byte is the minor version of the protocol. These are used to determine what features the other side supports. In practice the feature flags seem to be ignored. The following table lists the changes that have been made between minor versions:

Minor VersionDescription
0Base version, no aggregate ack
1Aggregate ack (old version) is now supported
2Aggregate ack (new version) is now supported and the new signature method is used
3The new RVDDL version is used: structures now have a version header
4Unknown difference
5Unknown difference
6Unknown difference
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